Agreement in Person Example

Agreement in Person Example: Understanding the Basics

Agreement in person is an essential concept in grammar that is frequently used in writing, particularly in academic and technical essays. It is essential to understand this concept to create well-structured and grammatically correct sentences. In this article, we will explore agreement in person in detail, provide some examples, and explain its importance in writing.

Agreement in person refers to the agreement between the subject and verb of a sentence. When constructing a sentence, a subject must agree with the verb in terms of person, number, and tense. In simpler terms, the subject of a sentence must agree with the verb used in the sentence, considering the person and number of the subject.

For example, “I am going to the store” is an example of agreement in person. The subject “I” is in the first person singular, and the verb “am going” is in the same person and number. The sentence is grammatically correct because the subject and the verb agree in person.

If the subject is in the third person singular, the verb must be in the same person and number. For example, “He walks to the park” is an example of agreement in person. The subject “he” is in the third person singular, and the verb “walks” is in the same person and number.

Another example of agreement in person is “They are playing soccer.” In this sentence, the subject “they” is in the third person plural, and the verb “are playing” is in the same person and number.

In summary, the subject and the verb of a sentence must always agree in terms of person and number to create a grammatically correct sentence. Failing to ensure this agreement can lead to confusion and incorrect sentences.

Importance of Agreement in Person

Agreement in person is an essential concept in grammar, and it is crucial in writing to ensure clarity and precision. Using proper agreement in person assures the reader that the writer knows and understands the structure of the language, which, in turn, improves the reading experience.

Clear communication is vital in academic and technical writing. Therefore, proper agreement in person helps to convey our thoughts and ideas effectively. Additionally, the correct use of agreement in person can also help create a professional and polished writing style.


Agreement in person is critical in creating grammatically correct sentences. It is essential to understand this concept to ensure clarity and precision in our writing. Remember that the subject and verb of a sentence must always agree in terms of person and number, and failure to do so can lead to confusion and misunderstanding.

By ensuring proper agreement in person in your writing, you will convey your thoughts and ideas effectively, improving your writing style and creating a more polished and professional end product.

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